Sunday, June 26, 2011

iPads on the Study Tour

During the week of June 13, students participating in the Scotland/England Study Tour traveled with iPads, complete with two iBooks: one focusing on the literature and poetry of England and Scotland, another reviewing the noted scientists of the two countries.

England/Scotland Literature Book

England/Scotland Scientists Book

To quote the Literature iBook, "All students of literature who trave to England and Scotland will find themselves - intentionally or otherwise - walking in the footsteps of many famous writers.  Some travelers discover that a new found connection to a writer is created by an understanding of place.  If you have read Wuthering Heights, for example, see if you don't experience a special kinship to Emily Bronte when we walk upon the moors that were once home to her and her sisters, Charlotte and Anne."

Imagine Marymount students sitting alongside the River Cam, reading the works of John Milton, Lord Byron or Emily Bronte on their iPad!

Another Movie on the iPad 2

We challenged the students in Class VII, along withe their teacher, to write, film, edit and produce a two minute movie using only the iPad 2.  Check out their production:  Lord of the Book!